Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Insurance for all Americans!

How cliché of me to write about the passage of health insurance reform in the USA.  For the record, I am Canadian.  So why do I care about bills being passed in the US?  The answer is simple:  every person in the world deserves the basics such as food, water, electricity, access to healthcare, etc.

Unfortunately, over 30 million people in the world's most developed nation did not have health insurance.  And for tens of millions more, their health insurance would be dropped due to "pre-existing conditions".  Can you imagine finding out you have cancer and require aggressive treatment.  Then, you lose your job because you can't work, which causes you to lose your health insurance?  What kind of people would allow this to exist?  A country where the rich are in power and dictate the life of the poor.

Obama has delivered on the promise of health insurance reform.  He did so in the spirit of compromise by integrating republican ideas in the process.  I think both political parties play too much politics and don't care about the american people.  However, the republicans were absolutely ridiculous this time around.  Republicans will say that this bill adds to the deficit.  According to independent analysts, the bill reduces the deficit by cutting costs in one area and using a portion of that money to pay for new measures.  Ok, don't believe everything you read because theory and implementation are two different things.  So let's assume that this bill increases the deficit in the US.  All of a sudden, republicans are against increasing the deficit but they'll spend trillions on wars and ruin the US economy when they are in power.  Remember the bush years that led to the economic "crisis"?  OHHHH YEAHHH, that reign of terror ended just 1 year ago and we're still feeling its effect.  Is good health insurance coverage for all not worth the money?  Are people that selfish and self-centered.

What kills me is that republicans will go to no end to stop a bill.  They started claiming that federal funds will pay for abortions.  Republicans will lie to recruit any extremist Americans and stir up rage in the people.  Seriously?  Are these the kind of people you want to represent you?  Everyone needs to balance the pros and cons of the bill because it will never be perfect.  In the end, this bill is of net benefit to the american people.  It's far from perfect, but people need to stop forming an opinion based on their political association.  It is for the benefit of ALL PEOPLE.  Just remember: Help your neighbor today so that he can help you tomorrow.

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