Thursday, March 4, 2010

America's view on Canada's "socialist" health insurance

I wish that Americans would stop mocking the Canadian health care system.  I know we have tons of problems in Canada because I've studied the system extensively.  But I am a survivor of the Canadian health care system.  I had open heart surgery when I was young, which would have bankrupted my family because insurance companies would have dropped them in a heart beat.  My dad received a quad bypass too.  My mom is undergoing cancer screening right now.  Thank god we live in Canada.
Over my life time, I will slowly pay for the procedure I received by paying taxes, but maybe I'll never fully pay it off.  I can't imagine needing an open heart surgery and not being able to work, which causes me to lose my health insurance.  Then I would be stuck paying for the procedure out of pocket and file for bankruptcy.
That being said, I don't understand the Americans who oppose health insurance reform that doesn't allow companies to drop clients for "pre-existing conditions" because MOST conditions are genetic to SOME degree.  What about people without any coverage?  What americans don't realize is that these individuals get healthcare at the full expense of tax payers. By mandating that these people pay a reasonable amount for health insurance (with respect to their income), then the rest of the tax payers win.  THAT IS THE PUBLIC OPTION!  No private health insurance company will allow people to pay $1000 a year, but if that is appealing to the government that isn't receiving any money from these people but pays for their emergency medical procedures.  People will argue that the government is telling them what to do.  Well...That's society & government for you.  The government forces us to do things for the benefit of the population as a whole and to protect the rights of ALL CITIZENS.

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