Thursday, March 25, 2010

Free Speech...Ann Coulter

The Free Speech Blurb

Canada is a so-called supporter of free speech.  Well, that's what the majority of society seems to think.  What people seems to often forget is the true meaning of free speech.  The Canadian charter of rights and freedoms dictates that every individual is entitled to a set of rights including safety, equality, and free speech, amongst several others. Individuals are entitled to use, or abuse if I must, these rights as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others.  Keep this fundamental understanding of the charter in mind throughout the following discussion.

The Incident

Ann Coulter, an outspoken so-called conservative, was scheduled to make a speech at the University of Ottawa as part of a 3-university tour in Canada.  Prior to her speech, the vice president of the University of Ottawa sent an e-mail to Ms. Coulter indicating that she should curb her conservative opinions because Canada differs from the US.  Ann Coulter and the media fired back stating that the liberal university administration are revoking her right to free speech.  The day that the speech was scheduled to take place, a peaceful demonstration of students, proponents and opponents to Ms. Coulter's opinions, took place.  Ottawa police were called for the sake of security of all parties involved.  Ms. Coulter's entourage decided to cancel the appearance the University of Ottawa and informed police to advertise this fact.  As a result, many people, including Americans and Canadians, blamed the university and students of curbing conservative free speech.

My Assessment

I'm always open to hearing different view-points and draw my conclusions based on facts, ethics, and logical deduction.  Thus, I do not identify with any political party simply because they are liberals or conservatives.  Nevertheless, people would characterize my opinions as leaning liberal.  Regardless, I had to hear and analyze Ms. Coulter's speeches for myself in order to form an opinion.

In some circumstances, I found that Ms. Coulter's ideas and opinions are valid.  However, out of the many opinions that I disagreed with, there was one thing that resonated with me.  When a muslim student asked Ann "what should a muslim do since Ann suggests that muslims shouldn't be allowed on planes."  Ms. Coulter replied "take a camel".  I didn't realize that free speech entitled people to emotionally and verbal abuse others, nor to suggest that people should not be treated equally due to their religious beliefs.  That being said, I don't believe Ms. Coulter should have "the right" to express these extremist views because she's infringing on the rights of others.  As a hypothetical, it would be ridiculous for me to publicly suggest that "blonde women should abstain from speaking because they are dumb".  This is exactly what Ann is doing...and she often gets away with it.  To stoop down to her level, it seems that being having blond hair, a thin figure, and a nice pair of legs lets you get away with anything.  

The Conclusion

We must make one thing very clear, Ann Coulter's opinions do not represent conservative ideals.  This woman is a fanatic and parallels terrorist extremists; terrorists attempt to polarize people against other groups of people based on ill-founded beliefs.  I am glad that she didn't get to promote her moronic ideology at the University of Ottawa.  Free speech does NOT suggest that people are allowed to promote hatred, racism, etc.

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